RAPS (Reasoned Action for Problem Solving) & PACE (Personal Academic Career Enrichment) are a series of weekly workshops delivered by OSS staff and some of the best local practitioners in their respective fields. These workshops are interactive and fun. You also have the opportunity to meet people from different faculties who can provide helpful and objective feedback.

RAPS specializes in strengthening your ability to make effective conclusions through assessing facts and enhancing your ability to think critically as well as develop effective study skills. PACE seeks to provide students with tools such as academic planning and personality assessments to help you develop the skills to map a personal and career success plan.

More details coming soon!
These workshops are  held  Wednesdays from 2 - 4pm in OSS Conference Room.

Semester II 2018-2019 Schedule .....CHECK US OUT !!!



February 6 Effective Study Habits
February 20 Presentation Skills
March 6 Time Management



February 13 Resume Writing
February 27 Before I accept an Employment Offer
March 13 Building Emotional Intelligence: A MBTI Workshop
March 20 What Story Am I Telling With My Online Presence?

Register for R.A.P.S here

Register for P.A.C.E here


The Office of Student Services and Development
Tel.: (246) 417-4165/6/7 Fax: (246) 424-5348 | Email: studentservices@cavehill.uwi.edu