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  • Agricola. A catalogue and article citation database of agricultural information.
  • AGRIS/CARIS . Agriculture database, includes aquaculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, forestry and nutrition.
  • AIDSinfo . HIV/AIDS information from the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services.
  • African Women's Bibliographic Database. Contains citations from 1986 to current, includes books and government documents; articles appearing in edited books; periodical and journal articles; theses and Ph.D. dissertations; conference papers; and videocassettes.




  • Department of Energy (DOE) Reports. DOE (United States) research and development reports in physics, chemistry, materials, biology, environmental sciences, energy technologies, engineering, computer and information science, renewable energy, and other topics. Includes full text.


  • ECLAC Caribbean Documentation Centre. Bibliographic database and Current Awareness Bulletin. Provides access to United Nations publications, with the emphasis on the publications of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Economics Education Resource Guide
  • Educator's Reference Desk. An Internet-based service providing education information. It includes resource guides, a question archive, and a lesson plan collection.
  • ERIC. A database of education information. It contains abstracts of documents and journal articles on education research and practice. Includes free full text documents. You may also search ERIC via OCLC * or at the SearchERIC web site.
  • ERIC Digests. A full text database containing reports on topics of current interest in education. The reports are designed to provide an overview of information on a given topic, and references to items providing more detailed information.
  • European Union Economic Papers. Full text database of economic papers.





  • ILOLEX. ILO full text database on international labour standards.
  • IMF eLibrary/ International Monetary Fund e Library.
  • The IMF eLibrary is a comprehensive source of IMF research and statistics, which includes the entire Catalog of publications in multiple digital formats. This source will provide in-depth independent analysis of the financial crisis,  macroeconomics, poverty reduction, trade, globalization and many other useful tools. 

  • Institute of Historical Research Catalogue. Catalogue of printed historical sources in the United Kingdom.
  • J
  • JOLIS. Joint catalogue of the World Bank and the IMF.


  • ILOSTAT. ILO database of labour statistics covering the economically active population, employment, unemployment, wages and related variables.
  • LEYES. Latin American and Caribbean Basic Health Legislation.
  • Library of Congress Catalogue.
  • LILACS. Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature.


  • MedCarib. Caribbean Health Sciences Literature.
  • MEDLINE (PubMed). National Library of Medicine search service. Includes citations from MEDLINE and additional life science journals. Includes links to sites providing full text articles and other related resources.


  • NetLibrary. Via OCLC. A catalogue of publicly accessible electronic books. To limit your search to Main Library purchases, click on Main Library Titles.*


PubMed Central (PMC). U.S. National Library of Medicine's digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature.