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Sidney Martin Library

About Us


Borrowing Fines
Cell Phones Loan Policies and Procedures
Computer Use (UWILinC) Overnight/Reserve Collection
Copyright Plagiarism
Course Reserves Remote Access to Research Databases
Email Notification Bag Room


This policy explains the responsibilities of those members of the library who wish to borrow items, and the procedures which must be followed.

Click to view the Borrowing Policy

Cell Phones

The Sidney Martin Library’s primary purpose is to provide an environment conducive to research and study. We however recognize that they may be occasions when students may need to use their cell phones to make brief calls. To facilitate this, the library has created two cell phone zones where students will be permitted to use their phones. These zones are located on the second and third floors and are clearly marked.
1. Cell phones must be always on vibrate in the Sidney Martin Library.
2. Students can send and receive calls ONLY in a Zone.
3. Any student found using a cell phone in any other area of the Sidney Martin Library will be subject to the full extent of  the regulations governing the use and restriction of these devices in all other areas of the Sidney Martin Library.
4. Students using cell phones in the Zone are expected to keep their
voices at a low level and keep their conversation short (maximum 2 mins). 
All students are advised that use of cell phones in any area apart from those so designated will be considered a breach of library rules. Violators may be asked to leave the library.


Computer Use

This policy outlines the regulations for use of the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) and the computer lab located on the third floor of the Sidney Martin Library.

Click to view the Computer Use Policy


A guide to copyright regulations for UWI Cave Hill, Sidney Martin Library members. Click here to view the document.

Course Reserve Policy

The Course Reserve policy outlines those items which can and can not be reserved by the library. The guidelines and dates for making reservations are also noted, as well as information on the amount of copied material which is allowed.

Click to view the Course Reserve Policy

Email Notification

You are responsible for monitoring your account, which may be done online through the "My Library Account" feature on the library’s website. Overdue library notices will only be sent to your mail account.  To activate this please log on to mycavehill mail from the Campus website, and follow the instructions. Failure to receive a notice however, does not remove your responsibility for meeting the due date assigned at check out.


Members who keep borrowed items longer than the set period attached to the particular item, are subject to a fine for every day the item is overdue.

Click to view the Fines Policy

Loan Policies and Procedures

Loan Policies and Procedures outlines the loan allowances for UWI Under-graduates and Post-graduates, as well as UWI staff and outside members of the library. It also outlines the procedures members must follow in order to make loans from the library.

Click to view the Loan Policies and Procedures Policy

Overnight/Reserve Collection Policy

Faculty and Instructors may request that a book(s) be placed on Overnight/Reserve. Books may be placed in this collection for a Semester or an Academic Year. If more than one course requires the same title a maximum of two copies of any one title will be placed in the Collection.
Guidelines for placing items in the Overnight/Reserve Collection
  • Books which are available from the Sidney Martin Library in both print and electronic format are not placed in this Collection.
  • A maximum of two copies per course of any WIC held title can be placed in the Collection.
  • A maximum of three non-WIC titles per course can be placed in the Collection.
  • The total number of books that can be placed in the Collection for any one course is five (5).


Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism represents the very antithesis of the goals of the academy, which focus on the creation of new knowledge and its dissemination in a form that encourages on-going creativity.

Click to view Plagiarism Policy

Remote Access to Library Research Databases, EJournals and Ebooks

The library provides access to numerous research databases, e-journals, and e-books to support the information needs and research activities of faculty, currently enrolled graduate and undergraduate students, and staff of the Cave Hill Campus of the University of the West Indies. 

In order to provide access to these resources which are produced by private companies, the library is obligated to sign a contract known as a license agreement which governs how a resource may or may not be used and accessed. 

Due to terms and conditions of our licensing agreements with our database vendors, access to certain databases is restricted to registered students and current faculty and staff of the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus. Remote access to these resources is therefore restricted to the above categories of users and is not freely available to any other persons. Access to these resources is as follows:
On Campus: from any computer workstation connected to the University's local area network i.e. in the Library, Computer Labs, offices on campus, Halls of Residence, etc. This means that if you are on campus and using the wireless network you will still be required to login using our EzProxy authentication.
Off Campus: You will be asked to enter your UWI staff or UWI student ID number and your CAVEHILL Student or staff domain password. Click for Off Campus access »

If you experience problems with your off-campus login, please contact Campus IT Services for assistance.

For further information and help on Metalib, click here.

Bag Room Regulations

All Bags must be deposited with the attendant in the Bag Room prior to entering the Library.

A numbered ticketed system will be used to manage the storage of bags.  One copy of the numbered ticket will be attached to your bag, the duplicate will be given to you.  In order to retrieve your bag you will need to present the duplicate copy of the ticket to the attendant.
There will be a replacement fee of $5.00 for any lost ticket.  If you lose your ticket you will have to identify the contents of your bag to a security officer in order to be able to retrieve it.

All wallets/change purses, cell phones and any other valuable items must be removed from bags before they are handed to the attendant.  The University does not accept liability for the loss of valuables left in bags.
All bags must be re-claimed by 10.50pm Monday through Saturday and 9.50pm on Sundays.