
Research Publications

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Department of Management Studies

Persaud, N., & Dagher, D. (2021). The role of monitoring and evaluation in the UN 2030 SDGs Agenda. Palgrave McMillian Publishing, Springer Nature.

Faculty of Medical Sciences

Campbell, M.H. & Shalom A. (2021). International regulation and global ethics in culturally responsive clinical research (Chapter 16). In Vernaglia, L.W., Chimielewski, M.R., & Faget, K.Y. (Eds.). Clinical Research Compliance Manual: An Administrative Guide. New York: Wolters Kluwer, 1-17.

Government, Sociology, Social Work & Psychology

Broome, Pearson A. An Ethical Turn in Governance: The Call for a New Development Narrative. Rowman & Littlefield, 2021. ISBN-10: 1498591973/ISBN-13: 978-1498591973

Errol Barrow Centre for Creative Imagination

Weekes, Yvonne & Fergus, Howard. Pandemic Moments. Fergus Publishing, May 2021

Our research by the numbers


Number of research projects (2019)

USD 2.5MN 

Research grant value to date (2019)


Research Publications (2019)

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