Call for Papers: Edited Book
Title: The Struggle for Good Health: A Caribbean Odyssey
Editors: Glenford Howe, Natalie Greaves, Clive Landis, and Tara Inniss
Book Overview/Description:
The Caribbean's journey towards good health has been tumultuous yet exceptional, marked by historical, cultural, and socio-economic challenges. In this edited volume, we aim to explore this odyssey, shedding light on the past, present, and future of health in the Caribbean. From indigenous healing practices to the impact of colonialism, slavery, and modern-day health disparities, we seek to provide unique insights into achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3 - "Good Health and Well-Being". The book will delve into historical roots, contemporary challenges, successful initiatives, and personal narratives from healthcare professionals to present a comprehensive view of Caribbean health and well-being. We invite scholars, researchers, and practitioners to contribute chapters that engage with the Pan-Caribbean racialized and gendered dimensions of this health odyssey.
Tentative Topics/Table of Contents/Chapter Outlines:
Introduction: The Odyssey Setting the stage for the Caribbean health journey, exploring historical determinants and identifying future challenges.
Chapter One: Caribbean Origins: First Peoples and Health Recovering knowledge about indigenous healing practices and the impact of colonization on health and cultural survival
Chapter Two: Slavery and Health
Documenting the health landscape and challenges during slavery, including resilience narratives
Chapter Three: Post-emancipation Developments in Health
Analyzing the the health challenges facing immigrant labourer population and the impact of colonial public health policies regarding sanitation and infectious disease, while also looking at the role of international non-governmental organizations in addressing health challenges.
Chapter Four: The World Wars and Health
Exploring the impact of World Wars I and II on health, with a focus on pandemic and epidemic disease, medical experimentation and the development of Caribbean medical expertise.
Chapter Five: Cultural Influences on Health
Examining cultural beliefs' influence on health, and strategies for improving health literacy and community engagement.
Chapter Six: Modern Caribbean Health Care: Challenges and Opportunities
Describing the epidemiological shift, challenges in healthcare systems, and innovative solutions for a healthier future.
Chapter Seven: Caribbean Innovation in Biomedical Research
Presenting regional biomedical research, technological innovations, and the global impact of Caribbean scientific diaspora.
Chapter Eight: The Health Odyssey: No Words
Presenting a visual narrative of Caribbean health history, transitions, and progress through art and imagery.
Chapter Nine: Reflections, Interviews and Personal Stories from the Region
Capturing personal narratives of healthcare pioneers and their transformative contributions to Caribbean health.
- Summarizing key insights and lessons from the odyssey, outlining pathways to a healthier future for Caribbean populations.
Call for proposals: Requirements
- MS Word document
- Maximum of 500 words that outline the contents and nature of the proposed chapter
- Reference list included in the proposal document (not part of 500 words maximum) that aligns with APA7th edition style guidelines
- Three keywords summing up the focus of the chapter
- One-page CV from each author included as an appendix to the proposal
- Deadline for acceptance of invitation: June 28, 2024
Guidelines for Chapters:
- Each chapter should be approximately 4,000 to 6,000 words, including references.
- Clearly identify the theme throughout the chapter.
- Include a title, abstract (150 words max), introduction, theoretical framework, evidence/support, discussion, conclusion, and references.
- Submission deadline for chapter: January 31, 2024 (late submission cutoff: March 15, 2025).
- APA 7th referencing style required.
- Provide a brief bio statement (50-75 words) for inclusion in the List of Contributors.
Milestones and Tentative Deadlines:
- Dissemination of invitation to authors: June 1st, 2024
- Deadline for acceptance of invitation: June 28, 2024
- Reviewing abstracts: August 28, 2024
- Submission deadline for chapters: January 31, 2024 (late submission cutoff: March 15, 2025)
- Completion of first review of chapters: Jun 1st, 2025
- Polishing and final review: September 15th, 2025
Submission Instructions:
Please submit
chapter proposals to
Dr Tara Inniss by
August 28th th 2024. Remember to include a brief bio statement with your submission. Accepted authors will be notified by
September 15th 2024.
We look forward to your contributions in unraveling the fascinating health odyssey of the Caribbean. Together, let's pave the way for a healthier and more equitable future for the region.
Note: This call for papers is subject to change. Please refer to the editors' communication for any updates.