ADD/DROP: This is the period in which you may adjust your registration by adding or deleting courses without penalty.
CORE COURSE: A course that is required for your degree programme.
COURSE CODE: An alpha numeric code used to identify a course, thesis, research paper, or seminar, e.g. IMGT6030. The letter part of the code identifies the subject while the ‘6’ indicates that it is a graduate level course.
COURSE LOAD: The maximum number of credits you are permitted to take as a full-time or part-time student.
CRN: The number used to identify a particular section of a course.
ELECTIVE COURSE: A course not specifically required as part of your programme, but one which you can use to meet the credit requirements of the programme.
FULL-TIME GRADUATE STUDENT: This is a student who is taking the maximum number of courses permitted by the programme regulations. It does not refer to the time of day as many courses are held in the evenings or weekends.
FULL-TIME UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT: You are considered a full-time undergraduate student if:
- If you are in the Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences and you are taking a course load of twenty-seven (27) or more credits per year, or
- If you are in the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Humanities & Education, or the Faculty of Law and you are taking a course load of twenty-four (24) or more credits per year.
HOLD: A hold is a block placed on a student’s record. A hold could be for financial reasons, for failure to return Library books or while examination results are pending declaration. Your CHOL account will indicate the type of hold. If the hold is financial or library-related then it cannot be removed without the intervention of the Bursar or Librarian. Grade Holds are automatically removed after examination results have been declared and are official.
PART-TIME GRADUATE STUDENT: This is a student who is taking fewer than the maximum number of courses permitted by the programme regulations. It does not refer to the time of day of the courses as many graduate classes are held in the evenings or weekends.
PART-TIME UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT: You are considered a part-time undergraduate student if:
- You are in Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Humanities & Education, or the Faculty of Law and register for a maximum of three courses per semester.
- If you are in the Faculty of Medical Sciences, and not undertaking a full-time course load.
RESTRICTION: The student administration system applies registration filters which will block you from selecting certain courses. These restrictions may be based on:
- level (if trying to select a graduate course as an undergraduate student or vice-versa),
- programme (if trying to select a course that is not a part of your programme),
- college (if trying to select a course from a different faculty),
- duplication (you may be trying to register for the same course with 2 different section numbers),
- pre-requisite (if trying to register for a course that has a prerequisite, where you have not yet completed that prerequisite.)
- repeat (if trying to register for course which has an open registration from a previous semester.)
- course load (if trying to register for a full-time course load while a part-time student).
SEMESTER: This is normally a 13-week period of instruction (including examinations). Semester 1 runs from the end of August until the middle of December, Semester 2 runs from January until the middle of May.
The summer session is not an official semester and runs from late May to July. The campus runs a summer school for undergraduate students during this period. Most graduate programmes have courses or internships during the summer session.
No Guild or Amenities fees are assessed for summer registration.