Office of Alumni Relations

Alumni Benefits Programme

The Office of Alumni Relations and the UWI Alumni Association (UWIAA) Barbados Chapter have partnered with over thirty businesses across the island to offer discounts to UWI graduates.

The benefits include UWI library membership, pharmaceuticals, dental services, eye specialist services, photography services, hotels, spas, beauty care and car rentals to name a few.

The programme is open to all graduates of The University of the West indies who are resident in Barbados and who are members of the Alumni Association. The cost of joining the association is only BDS$60.00 for Lifetime Membership.

Join the Alumni Association today and enjoy all the benefits of being a University of the West Indies Graduate.

If you require further information on the Alumni Benefits Programme or on the Alumni Assoication, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Alumni Association Membership Form [PDF]

Please click link to view the Alumni Benefits Programme Brochure [PDF]

Office of Alumni Relations
Tel: (246) 417-4544 or (246) 417-4994 | Email: